Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Social Issues in role-playing - London Seminar

I know a lot of people who follow me have probably already seen this information but I want to make sure everyone gets a chance to pitch something who wants to. We are particularly short on games for the evening. I think it would be interesting if we could make this happen and there seems to be a bit of interest.

The idea came from this article which was posted on Indie RPG but please don't feel limited to these options - please feel free to pitch a talk or game on anything that you're passionate about:
My suggestion for a format (which is completely open to change if people have any better suggestions) is that anyone who wants to talk about a subject pitches it and prepares 10 - 15 minutes of material to get the conversation started. Then we have about 45 minutes of group discussion. If we get enough pitches then we could run 2 or 3 at once and everyone would get chance to attend two or three over a couple of hours. 

Then in the evening we could run games and try to bring in the techniques we’ve learnt - perhaps playing a different type of character or using a different type of safety exercise. 

What I’d like to know is - is anyone interested in pitching a talk topic and what would you pitch? 

It can be anything that interests you around the theme of diversity and social issues in role-playing.Even if you don’t want to pitch is this something you’d want to attend? 

What do you think of the format proposed? Any thoughts / comments?

The dates proposed are the 17th or 31st October. Please can you complete this Doodle Poll - I'm leaning towards the 17th because it's not Halloween so it will probably be easier to book a venue but marginally more people seem to be able to make the 31st. 

Can you let me know if you can do either of the 17th or 31st October? I've attached a Doodle poll:

The pitches we have so far are:

Talks / Discussions

Creating a safe space and dealing with triggers

Depictions of mental illness in story games 

Race and environment 

Playing people unlike yourself 

Conflating meta techniques and safety rules

Gender, queer theory or how to positively use sex in games

Historical queer identities 

How to encourage a positive gaming culture in role-playing groups

GM's responsibility for the atmosphere of the table


Ehdrigohr: The Roleplaying Game

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